For those who will joining oil and gas should have BOSIET certificate. No matter if u want to join vessel/ship, platforms, barges, FPSO or anything that working in the sea, it is important to have the cert. 

Today is my 2nd day at MSTS Pasir Gudang. It is a 3 days tranning. I have done it twice before. So this is the 3rd times already but still in nervous mode. ;) 

First BOSIET in 2006. The 2nd one in 2009 is slight differ from BOSIET. Just advance course to FOET (Further Offshore Emergency Traning. 

Yesterday is the first day. And the trainer give us the most challenging traning which is HUET. 

What is HUET actually.. Helicopter Underwater Escape Training. The most challenging. It is fun but still nervous. It is just stimulator .. I cannot imagine if im in real situation . 

There are several situation in a way to escape. 

1. Land escape
    In case of the engine failure and the we need to escape on land.. Just simple..

2. Surface escape
    Also the simple 1. Which is we just escape and jump into the live craft of sometimes they called survival craft.

2. Underwater escape without EBS..
    EBS is an Emergency Breathing System that is provided for those who onboard helicopter. For this practise we are not using EBS that's mean we have to hold our hold our breath and once heli is totally into the water then we must wait until 7second before escape from the heli. The reason why we need to wait 7second is to make sure to rotor blade is stop spinning. 

3. Underwater escape with EBS without window and with window.

These are 2 exercises to complete. Tge most important ting is we follow the intructions how to use EBS. This EBS is just like the plastic bag, we hold our breath and fill the plastic with air from our mouth then inhale and exhale.simple but when i wat in water i felt i little nervous. 

When the trainer put the window it is hard for us to escape. Because we need to push out with a little force the window..then escape.

4. Capsize without EBS
     This exercise is quite similar to exercize no 2 but the heli is capsize which means it is upside down. Hold our breath and no need to wait 7second to escape.

5. Capsize with EBS
    Similar to exercise 4 and using EBS.

Today is FIRE FIGHTER. We were introduced by the trainer about types of fire extinguisher.

There are 4 type Class of fire
Class A: solid material - wood, rubber, plastics, paper.
Class B: liquid - gasoline, oil, paints
Class C: gasses - methane, propane
Class D: metals - magnesium, sodium

We all got practise to use all of fire extingusher type.

There are 4 types of fire extinguisher.
1. Water type - suitable for Class A
2. Foam type - suitable for Class A and B
3. CO2 type - suitable for Class B
4. Wet chemical powder - suitable for Class A,B and C. Or sometimes they called ABC Powder.

And tomorrow wil be the last day here at MSTS Pasir Gudang. At morning we will play in pool. Do some survival technics and jump 3 feets above water pool level.. Fortunately it is the basic level. Last 4 years in 2009 i did fo the advance level- preparation for north sea. We must jump up to 3 meters above water pool level. The pool is 3.5m depth... It was a horror time. 

The the last class at the evening would be basic survival , first aid and transfer by boat in theory..then we can back home with our cert..;) good luck for me.. Hope everything is smooth.. Ahaks.. 

I drove a car with my sister actually from KL.. So we will extend 1 more day here and we are plan to visit the JPO.. johor Premium Outlet.. Visit? I dont think that just a visit...heehhe.. Ok we'll see..

Ok see ya in next session.. Hope i have a time to write..

Lady D😊😊😊😊

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