Hari ini aku nak kongsikan resepi Durian Crepe.. Resepi ni aku ambil dari Blog sape ntah. Tapi crepe dia cukup senang.

Resepi Durian Crepe
40gm tepung gandum
40gm tepung ubi
20gm tepung kastard/hoen kwe
20gm tepung jagung
1 biji telur gred A
130ml susu sejat/fresh milk
50ml air - bergantung kepada kepekatan
1 tbsp butter cair atau minyak mazolla
T tbsp sula halus
Pewarna kuning
Secubit garam

1. Satukan semua tepung dan ayak.
2. Dalam satu bekas, satukan semua bahan dan kacau rata. Make sure adunan tu tak terlalu pekat dan tak terlalu cair. Ala2 buat adunan roti jala gitu..
3. Boleh blend guna blender untuk bagi halus lagi dan tak berketul. Tapi sebelum goreng crepe ni kena tunggu lama sket la untuk hilangkan  buih.
4. Kemuadian tapis.
5. Boleh la start menggoreng crepe.

Cara goreng crepe
1.  Lebih senang guna kuali leper non stick. Aku guna yang ikea rm 30 je. Ngam2 saiz yang aku nak.
Ade handle senang.
2. Panaskan kuali. Guna api medium hot. Bila kuali betul2 panas, angkat dan masukkan adunan crepe. Sekejap je. Kira bukan direct dari api kita masak crepe.
3. Lepas dah siap, angkat dan dan ulang sampai habis

Resepi Filling Durian Crepe
1 Kotak 200 ml Whipping Cream/sepatutnya guna non Dairy Whipping Cream
2. 5 tsp gula icing

1. Sediakan mangkuk besi dan masukkan whipping cream.
2. Masukkan mangkuk besi kedalam freezer selama 10 hingga 15 minit untuk sejukkan.
3. Setelah 10 minit keluarkan dan mula untuk mix menggunakan mixer.
4. Masukkan gula dan pukul sehingga kental.
5. Pastu boleh la start membungkus

Nota jari kaki yang wajib dibaca:
# filling:
-Sepatunya guan non dairy whipping cream atau fresh cream. Sebab dia senang nak kental dan susah nak cair balik.
-non dairy whipping cream bukan hasil tenusu biasanya dari palm oil
-manakala whipping cream biasa - biasa dia tulis dairy whipping cream adalah dr hasil tenusu.
Biasanya mengandungi 30% fat.
-so boleh la makan tanpa rahu jika guna non dairy whipping cream...heheh
- boleh juga guna Whipping Cream for dessert topping. Tapi jangan masukkan gula kerana sudah sedia manis.
-dairy whipping cream biasanya akan mencair balik selepas beberapa ketika dibiarkan pada auhu bilik.
Jadi selepas whipping cream dah kental.. masukkan dalam freezer balik dalam 10 minit.
-kalau whipping cream mencair balik, masukkan dalam freezer balik dalam 10 minit. Lepas tu pukul balik guna mixer .
Kalau nak pukul whipping cream, kena terus high speed. Baru boleh kental.
Silakan menatap picture hasil google..
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Assalamualaikum and Hallooooo....

these are the workout from Chris Powell that i use

Chris Powell Level 1 Beginner Workout
~15 Minutes

Chris Powell Level 2 Intermediate Workout

Chris Powell Level 3 Advance Workout


Assalamualaikum and hallooo..

this isnt the first time  nor the 2nd time of my diet.. i dont now how many times 1 started and i never ending it well. huh.. so tough. and now, im not proud of my 85 kg /187 lb 

i was 55kg when 1 was 16 year old. then going up to 62kg when i was 3rd year  in college.
it always going up.
this time i still dint feel worst because its still under my BMI range.
for my height ~164cm, my BMI range is 52 to 64 kg.

66 kg when i was 1st year in my work place.
and thiss time i felt a bit shaky. 
but still no action taken...:(

72 kg in 2008 which is my 3rd year in my workplace. the "7"started number was make me a bit afraid.
and i started to took too many types of pills, supplements for weight loss.
i did lose weight but it wont end up well. about 5 kg reduce .. once i stop, the weight increase even more....

in 2012 my office was relocate to Ampang and so do my weight its relocate going up!! it was 78 kg that time.. 

in 2013 , 
the '8' started number begins

that the first time it woke me up. i start to take pills again. but not working.

so i give up the pills, supplements when there was a clarification from health department that most of the pills and supplements was danger to our heath.

the 2nd time that woke me up.. until now, i never took any pills and supplement for weight loss.

so i just use natural remedies for my everyday diet. its hard to lose weight. believe me... if we not really focus.. then its turn really really really hard.

now, i start again. Diet. Healthy Lifestyle.
i need to really really focus this time. 

How to Start Diet for Weight LOSS

1. to start, we really need to know our current lifestyle. what makes ourself fat. what was make weight increase.
do a research regarding yourself.

For example of my condition
~ Food- i really love bread, buns, rice like nasi ayam, nasi tomato and nasi lemak. so i need to change this.
~Less exercise?- it wasnt less but no exercise. so i need to give a time to exercise.
~water intake- most of people love sweet drinks, soda or nescafe in the morning. but for me , i can eliminate this because i dont like sweet drinks.
the best is i only drink   fresh juice and plain water.
but the worse is- not enough plain water

so i need to change this- more plain water for me.
there was a research about the best volume of water you should take. it is 1litre per 25 kg weight . and for me i have to drink at least 3.5litre a day.

Lifestyle i need to change
1. avoid all type of nasi and bread or bun. reduce it time by time.
2. do more exercise. start with 15 minutes a day and increase to 30 minutes  a day. and so on.
3. drink more plain water. for me is  85/25= 3.4litre

2. Find your inspiration
i have 3 inspiration, 2 persons and 1 Facebook Group which i follow about a year.
  the 2 persons are Chris Powell and Kevin Zahri. they are two awesome guy who have did help othe people. their motivations will always with me:)

the Fb group that I've mention earlier is Kelab Diet Atkin- the are many people were successfully lose their weight and it inspired me. and they are helpful too..
there are many info about diet in this group. recipes, workouts.... 

3. Goal
set your goal weight. for me i want 60kg
so 85 to 60 Journey.. yeay!!

4. Find Buddy
find a friend, sister or brother.. or anyone. who can give you support when you are nearly give up. 
i have a friend of mine .. we will do activity togather

5. Homecook
try to collect as many as you can .. a healthy recipes that will help us in weght loss program
its not a matter for me because i love cook. im not really good in kitchen. but i really love home cook. in this way you can monitor your food 

Weight Loss Program

i have done the weight loss program  about a week. i started on 30 July 2015. it was 85.4kg that time.

and to day after 6 days it drop to 84.0kg now. im quite happy. i know the progress is slow. but i will keep going.. 

i want to do the atkins diet. but i dont want drastic change. the 1st thing i did is avoid nasi and roti. and i change my carbo to a tortilla. i made it myself. an more veggies in it. the protien i choose are chicken- breast part, tuna and eggs.   a  bit mayonnaise. thats all

about 3 days ate tortilla. the 4th day i successfully avoid carbo. and i ate only protien and veggies. until now. i hope i can keep focus.

starting yesterday , i did exercise for 30 minutes twice a day. morning and night. with help from Chis Powell Level 2 Exercise. really fun and sweat!!
i just start exercise  in day 3. the first day i did the Level 1. 2 times. it seems very easy for me. then the 4th day i start the level 2. just  can finish half way. successful on the 5th day for level 2 morning and night. 

if you guys want a copy of that please leave your email address.

there are 3 levels actually. But the Level 1 is too easy to me. it is about 15 minutes exercise. Big No for Level 3 . its hard:)

i just focus on Level 2 Exercise with Chris Powell for two weeks. maybe after that can change to Level 3.

i try to update weight every 3 weeks. but patience is hard... hahah...

ok. for you guys out there who face with obesity. LIKE ME. lets change. lets support and motivate each other. 

ok.. thats all now...


Start the BUTTON NOW!!!
Motivation GOING UP!!!

I want LIKE THIS!!!


Lama tak usha blog aku ni... dan aku hampir terlupa untuk menulis entri tentang penawar untuk penyakit jantung, diabetis dan kolesterol. ianya mudah dan boleh buat sendiri dirumah. 

Sebenarnya resepi ni aku dapat dari Facebook. ada seorang hamba Allah ni share di Facebook. dan... bahan-bahannya juga cukup mudah didapati.


1cawan halia~~~ dikisar bersama 1cawan air~~tapis
1cawan bawang putih~~~ dikisar bersama 1cawan air~~tapis
1cawan cuka epal
2cawan madu


1. Air halia, air bawang putih dan cuka epal dimasak hingga  sebati. dalam 5 - 10 minit. 
2. Sejukkan 
3. setelah sejuk baru dicampur dengan madu. 

Nota: Jangan masukkan madu ketika ramuan panas. akan menghilangkan nutrien yang ada dalam madu.

~~jangan menggunakan objek besi untuk menyukat madu. gunakan kaca atau plastik sahaja.

Ini Apple Cider yang aku biasa beli.. beli kat Giant ke Tesco.. aku pon lupe.

cara minunya, 2 sudu pagi perut kosong dan 2 sudu malam sebelum tidur.
Aku belum pernah cuba lagi. petang ni baru nak buat. semua bahan dah ada. lepas 2 bulan kita buat medical checkup.
Hari tu dah buat medical check up. full punye.. glucose aku normal. tapi cholesterol agak perlu untuk dibimbangkan. belum tinggi lagi.. tapi dah stage mild.

sebab tu sekarang aku gigih buat weight loss.. 

Normally aku buat Ramuan untuk weight loss ... Ramuan dia tak ada bawang putih, ganti dengan cinnamon ground/ serbuk kulit kayu manis. yang lain sama.
bezanya aku lebihkan air. dalam 1liter gitu.. setiap pagi minum 1 mug. sebelum tidur minum 1 mug. kalau rajin.. petang dalam jam 3 aku minum juga.

orite selamat mencuba......