Homemade yogurt masker- i start making yogurt masker last 3 weeks. I had an allergy to seafood. My face was explode like alien and i dont know what to do. 2 days later my friends and i went to morib- i already promise them about half year..  After 3 days its going to dry and irritation take place. My face turn to red and itchy.

My friend told me bout this type of masker.. So i bought a plain yogurt like the picture at TESCO, which have life cultures.
This is the only smallest plain yogurt that sell in TESCO. First time i apply this yogust to my face it feels like.. Ermm i dont how to say... After 30 minutes i wash my face.. And the dry cells was reduce. And also less irritate and less itchy... 

Then i do a bit research bout the yogurt masker.. And i found that most of the user had given positive reaction after using yogurt masker. But they use ESP- one of the Shaklee product- it is soy protien.. Then i remember my preggy friend has the ESP.. So i ask her few scoop and apply to my face ...

The feeling was different. After mix the yogurt with ESP and few scoops of honey, then i place it in the refregerator.. Then after 10 minutes i apply to my face.. Wow.. It just like cooling my face.. Kind of relexing masker i think.. It glowing my face.. And the pores getting smaller.. Every 2 days i apply the masker.. 

Then i need to find way to replace the ESP with something else. Mybe the instant milk or the oats... Need to finish the balance of esp and yogurt.

This is the yogurt+ESP+honey..... Using brush is easier to use.. 

Everyone has to try this masker.. Some people use to mix with yogurt+honey+lime or lemon. I do not try it yet... 

Ok guys just try!!!


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